Saturday, May 16, 2009


The image above is that of my wall. My entire room reflects the things that inspire me. I believe that if I see it, feel it, breathe it and believe in it, it has to happen. I lived in NYC for a mere 3 months. Every second, every crowded subway, every illegal honk from cabbies, every smirk or glare from passers by...all amazing. I search Craig's List daily, just searching for my first apartment in the Big Apple. I thanked God for every morning that I awoke to the hustle and bustle of my residence on the Upper West Side.

So, this blog is my inspiration hub. It's the things that make me happy, the things that I want to share. I wanted to start a blog about scarves, candles and Starbucks. And my love for city life. And for amazing music, not the crap that's on the radio. And all other great treasures of the world! So, here's a deeper look into the life of Erin, the lady you know as Scandalous Beauty...


  1. It wasn't until just yesterday that I realized just how much I missed the city. I was on one of my very rare trip to DC. As I'm driving near The Mall it reminded me of home and at the very mention I became home sick. I missed being about to hop a bus to downtown Chicago, I missed seeing people from different background, people with different styles. I missed being able to walk to Starbuck.

    I've been travelling around the world for quite sometime but yesterday was the first time that I realize just how much I misses home.

  2. I'll be following. I am headed for NYC in 2 months for vacation.

  3. I am so excited for you! You are very talented and I just know you're going to absolutely rock at EVERYTHING!!! Talent and Determination equals success! I see you, your thang!

  4. I look forward to your music blogs! I'm an avid follower of your YT channels, which are FAB, so I know this will be just as marvelous. Good luck with everything!
    - Much love from the DMV :)


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